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white travertine slab exporting countries

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what are white travertine slab usages?white travertine slab export

white travertine slab exporting countries are numerous and sellers make travertine from factories to nationwide stores in the country, there are many types of travertine customers, sellers sell this product directly from the factory to the domestic market, you have travertines It has a different shape and quality than other mosaics, reputable sellers rate it based on the quality of travertine, the sale of this product is done through distribution agencies of this product.

white travertine slab exporting countries

what are white travertine slab usages?

what are white travertine slab usages? Building stone is a type of building material that has been used in the construction of various buildings for many years. Building stone is known as a very hard material and superior artistic quality. However, pricing on this natural resource varies considerably.

According to the type of physical and chemical activity on earth, there are four types of rocks, including igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic, and man-made rocks. The unique properties of the rock due to geological processes are a category that affects it and complicates the different structures of these rocks. To use building stone, durability, attractiveness, economy or other properties of the stone must be considered.

Granite is a type of building stone and igneous rock consisting of quartz, mica and feldspar. This type of stone has a hard structure and is very widely used in environments where the stone is more likely to wear. Depending on the mineral content, building stones can be in light gray to black and white, pink, and green.

white travertine slab export

white travertine slab export white travertine slab export to countries that want this product in high volume and at the daily rate. This product is produced by the best engineers in various and beautiful designs and is packaged for export to other countries with the high quality that is included in its efficiency.

White travertine pavers are being exported to other countries such as neighboring countries and European countries. The price of these products is higher than normal models due to their excellent quality and due to their better performance and longer durability.

As this product has a high sensitivity during transportation, it is taken out of the border by the best vehicles and with special caution and reaches the customers abroad. In introducing and recognizing domestic products, traders are very experienced who have a great impact on the sale and supply of this product to foreign markets.

White travertine floor is exported to countries by traders and manufacturers, and supply to foreign markets is also without intermediaries, which is done in accordance with export laws and customs licenses. This product has had good sales in foreign markets due to its high quality and satisfaction.

Mohsen Shahbazi Behzadi

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