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granite colors on sales market

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best granite colors featuresgranite colors sales centers

In this content, we will deal with the subject of granite colors. Granite has been used as a building material by humans since ancient times, dating back thousands of years. Granite is one of the oldest and most durable building materials available. Have you ever wondered why granite stones come in so many different colors? And what makes the color of a coupe different? Even if you are not a professional geologist, you will notice these differences by looking at granites.

granite colors on sales market

best granite colors features

best granite colors features Granite is produced in the most popular granite colors. For example, Norwegian Blue Granite is an imported granite imported from Norway. This stone is often in the form of slabs, which is one of the very rare blue granite stones in the world, which is imported in the form of slabs and limited from Norway. Norwegian blue granite has a high price and customers are looking to buy it because of its special color and unique beauty.

 forest granite has a dark green theme with yellow and lemon streaks.  forest granite has very low water absorption and high compressive strength. Birjand forest granite can be used in all interior and exterior spaces of the building. Features of forest granite include its very high strength and very low water absorption.

 white granite is a component of cotton mud granites with white background and gray and black granulation and is very similar to other cotton mud granites.  white granite colors is used in all interior and exterior spaces, especially in public places.

 white granite stone has a white background with fine and uniform black and gray granules, which are called cotton flower granite. Features of white granite include very high strength, low water absorption, uniformity, and mass production. And for this reason, many commercial, office, industrial, and residential projects use this granite stone for paving and exterior and interior facades. 

granite colors sales centers

granite colors sales centers Granite extracted from each of Iran’s mines has different and varied textures and colors. This is the biggest advantage for the country, because it has made Iran needless to import stone and become an exporter of granite to other parts of the world. There are sales centers for this stone all over Iran.  

This product has a more reasonable price compared to other samples; Because its resources are found in abundance in the country. Also, maintenance costs are lower. The price of granite all over the country depends on factors such as mining, the cost of extracting this stone, polishing, different size and dimensions, thickness and type of processing. 

Mohsen Shahbazi Behzadi

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