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marble stone at market price

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best quality marble stone characteristicsmarble stone price cheap

 marble stone price is determined according to different items. Factors such as color, material, purity of the stone (the amount of veins and layers on the surface of the stone), cutting thickness, type of processing, mining, purchased coupe price and… affect the pricing of processed marble. The price range of marble (slabs) is between 500 thousand tomans to 5 million tomans.

marble stone at market price

best quality marble stone characteristics

best quality marble stone characteristics The price of marble depends on the following factors:

1 – Quality and analysis of stone

The most important parameter of stone quality is the physical and chemical analysis of that stone. And the closer the analysis of marble is to the desired level, the higher the quality and the higher the price.

2 – Different colors and designs

Marble does not have much variety compared to other building stones. The more unique and clean the marble, the higher the price.

3 – Diameter and dimensions of the stone

Marble is mostly processed in the form of slabs, and the larger the marble and the thicker the marble, the higher the price.

4 – Accurate sorting of stones

Marble stones have different types that are sorted after the cutting and sub-sorting stage. Slabs that are processed in the form of slabs have a higher price if they are in the form of bookmarks.

5 – Type of stone processing

The type of stone processing plays a decisive role in the price of marble. The type of resin or epoxy, the use of UV technology, the accuracy of cutting and pitching of the stone, the amount of sub and polishing of the stone, the mesh behind the stone and the type of packaging and transportation of marble stones will affect the price of marble stones.

white marble stone comes from the Greek root marmoros meaning brilliant and known by the trade name Enix, marble is a type of limestone. The polishing ability of these stones is very high and they can be polished to the extent of mirror polishing. These stones have different minerals and colors and their main characteristics include beautiful color and good polish. They have been used in construction for decades. These types of stones are especially used in decoration, stairs, interior, columns and floors. Marble is used as a unique raw material in the decoration of large buildings and sculptures. In the last 15 to 20 years, due to the increasing number of different industries, decorative and precious stones have not met their needs. Currently, many floor cleaning services are performed for this type of stone.

marble stone price cheap

marble stone price cheap

Other types of marble are green stones that are mostly used in religious places in Iran. If there is some dolomite in the limestone, the magnesium in the dolomite mixes with other materials under the action of metamorphism to form a green marble. Marble is resistant to adverse conditions such as heat and cold and sunlight and rain. Marble is derived from the transformation of limestone. Its most important mineral is called calcite. When limestone is subjected to high pressure and heat for a long time, it transforms and eventually turns into marble. In places where there are hot springs, there is also marble and travertine.

Some types of marble contain 99% calcium carbonate; That is, the main material of this type of rock is calcium carbonate. Pure white marble, the most important and best mine of which is located in Deh Rostam, Bam and Qorveh, Sanandaj, as well as in Italy. There are the best marble mines in the world in Iran and Italy, which is superior to Italy in terms of color diversity. The reason for the diversity of colors is the presence of salts of iron, aluminum, magnesium, and If there is hydrated iron oxide in it, its color is brown or yellow, its red or pink color is due to the presence of dehydrated or dehydrated iron oxide in it, such as pink ore in Naqadeh province of West Azerbaijan province, and if it has manganese and materials. If they are charcoal, their color is blue, gray or black. Some marbles have streaks, some were striped, and some are spotted or wavy. Metamorphic deposits are formed due to adjacent metamorphism and metamorphic areas. The economic importance of metamorphic rocks that form before the metamorphic stage is low. Fine-grained limestones, which are of less economic importance, are converted into marble deposits of high economic importance due to regional metamorphism and sometimes due to adjacent metamorphism.

The granite price also depends on the following factors:

    1 – Quality and analysis of stone

The most important parameter of stone quality is the physical and chemical analysis of that stone. And the closer the analysis of granite is to the desired level, the higher the quality and the higher the price.

    2 – Different colors and designs

Granite rocks have less variety than other building stones. The more granite, special and stylish color, the higher the price.

    3 – Diameter and dimensions of the stone

Granite stones are mostly used in paving and facades, so the diameter or thickness of the stone is very important because the paving must have a high compressive strength. Also, the dimensions of the stone play a decisive role in determining the price of the stone, and the larger the dimensions of the stone, the higher its price. Small and unconventional stones that are produced during the production of conventional size stones have a cheap price.

    4 – Accurate sorting of stones

Granite stones are more uniform than other building stones. There are black spots in granite stones, which are sorted by granite stones based on the presence of these spots, which are sorted after cutting and sub-sorting. Stainless and uniform granite stones have a higher price.

    5 – Type of stone processing

The type of stone processing has a decisive role in the price of granite. The accuracy in cutting and goniometry of the stone, the amount of sub and polishing of the stone will affect the price of granite stones.

Mohsen Shahbazi Behzadi

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